
Rabu, 22 Juni 2016


Curriculum Vitae

Personal data
Name                                                               : Reni Vitria
The place, date of birth                                   : Banyumas, March 21, 1996
Religion                                                           : Islam
Address                                                           : Mekarsari Tengah Rt002/012 Tambun Selatan
Phone number                                                 : 087876870921
Email                                                               : reni.vitriaprastiyo42.rv@gmail.com

Educational Background
·         Formal education:
·         2013 until 2017                 : Accounting Department state Universitas Gunadarma
·         2010 until 2013                 : SMK Nurul Islam Jakarta Timur
·         2007 until 2010                 : SMP Negeri 1 Banyumas
·         2001 until 2007                 : SD Negeri 3 Karangrau
GPA = 3.25 (Scale 4)
·         Organization History
·         2010 until 2011                 : Chairman OSIS SMK Nurul Islam Jakarta Timur
·         2015 until 2016                 : Assistant Intermediate Accounting Laboratory
·         On the Job Training
·         MYOB Course at Gunadarma University
·         Zahir Test at Gunadarma University
·         Computer Capability
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, ACL, MYOB, Zahir
This is to state that above information is true and provided here by me, all in good faith.

Your Sincerely

( Reni Vitria )

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